What can I help with?

We’re often asked how members can help in the build up to, and on, Our Night. So we’ve laid down a few pointers for you. Contact us at news@njbs.co.uk to find out more.


If you’re new to bonfire this is a great way to get to know your bonfire community. There’s a specific technique that our Captain of Torches keeps close to his chest but, once you know how, you’ll be making torches like the experts in no time. It’s also a great way to get kids involved. Torch-making really gathers pace in August and September as we need to make several thousand torches for Our Night.

Programme Selling


This starts in September in preparation for Our Night. It’s a great way to get to know your neighbours better, and brings in vital funds for the Society.



If you love the feel of the heat from all those torches and the screach of the barrels, then this is definitely the job for you. Without doubt one of the most intense jobs in bonfire - this is not for the faint hearted!


 Building the Bonfire

This starts early on the morning of Our Night. Our Captain of Bonfire, Andy Brown, has been building fires longer than Arthur Brown has been singing about them. There’s a real knack to getting a bonfire to take shape but Andy can give you the best masterclass there is to have in Bonfire.



Keeping the procession well formed, the bands in the right place and making sure the ranks are supplied with torches is a critical part of the night. It’s the marshals that ensure the processions look great and people are kept safe.


Tableaux and Effigy-Making

Many of the ideas for the effigy and tab take form over the summer and really start to gather pace throughout August and September. It’s a mixture of carpentry, artistry and pyrotechnics that are unique to Sussex bonfire.


Aerial Displays

Not only do we perform the fireworks display for Our Night, but we also perform fireworks displays for other bonfire societies and schools in the local area. In fact, our pyro team are one of the most active in bonfire having anything up to ten events per year. All proceeds are fed back into the society.


Street Collections and Fund-Raising

We collect for charitable causes on Our Night and in order to make it all happen, we have fundraisers throughout the year such as our summer fete and jumble sales.